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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More Math-Tinged Experiments

These are in a larger sketchbook, around 9 by 12 inches. The collaged grids of 16 one inch squares were made from the Intermediate Algebra final I gave last week. I had done some doodling, splattering and experimental marking on the first couple of pages (out of 5). Then I cut 16 squares using a linen thread counter magnifying glass. The metal stand works fine as a square template for me to cut from. They are placed intuitively without much concern for finding the right arrangement since, after all, there are 16! arrangements (roughly 21 quadrillion). Did you know that 16! (called 16 factorial) means 16 times 15 times 14 times... all the way down to times 2 times 1? Well it does.  That said, here they are. You may recognize the null set which is a recurring, favorite symbol I've used before.